Monday, February 6, 2017

Gatsby Chapter 4

In this chapter, Gatsby invites Nick to have lunch together. On the way to the city Gatsby reveals who he truly is. He says he's the son of some wealthy people in the middle-west, who was brought up in America but educated at Oxford since it was a family tradition. Gatsby said he lived like a young rajah in all the capitals of Europe collecting jewels, hunting big game, painting, and trying to forget something sad that happened to him. Gatsby even showed Nick some pictures to prove what he said. In my opinion I don't think Gatsby is telling the truth because he seems very mysterious and doesn't socialize much during his parties. It's weird how he hosts a bunch of parties yet he's not really involved in them. Jordan reveals the truth to Nick about Daisy and Gatsby's past relationship. She tells him that Daisy was rich living with Gatsby until he went off to war. Daisy's parents didn't approve of the relationship so Daisy had to look elsewhere. Jordan says that Gatsby hosts all these parties to try and get Daisy to go and reunite with her. I think Jordan is telling the truth unless Gatsby offered her money to lie to Nick when he spoke with her. After all Jordan is a dishonest person just like Nick said.

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