Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Contributions to Mind Map

The first thing I added on to the mind map was a quote from paragraph 1. Most of paragraph 1 has been thoroughly explained and organized on the mind map so I continued on to paragraph 2. I began with defining some terms that may cause other people to not fully understand what they're reading. Next, I added some quotes from paragraph 2 to the mind map. I am color coding this separate section so that it is easier to figure out what is vocabulary, quotes, etc. I wrote down some interesting quotes from the essay and I tried explaining what they meant in a simpler way. My view on what the quotes mean can be different from others, but I wrote what I believed they meant. As I'm working on the mind map, I realize that it's not hard at all to find things to add on to it. Any little detail or term you don't understand should be added on to the mind map just in case other people don't understand it as well. Writing things you don't understand and then explaining them, helps you learn what they mean. I'm going to continue working on the mind map tomorrow and organizing everything nicely so it's easier for others to access the information quickly.

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