Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Everything's Amazing!

In the video, Louis is using satire to send a message to the viewers. He claims that everything is amazing yet nobody's happy. He believes that people are taking things for granted and aren't really thankful enough for all of the things they have. One example from the video is when he talks about people whining about their phone not being fast enough. He would say to give it a second because their phone is actually doing something much more advanced and intelligent than they give it credit for. Louis remembers how back when he was young he would have to use the rotary phones and you would have to stand right next to the phone the whole time.  Nowadays you can use your phone wherever you want whenever you want. It's amazing how a device so small, that can easily fit in your pocket, can hold so much information from around the world. Louis also talks about people whining about airplane flights taking too long when they should really be thankful for getting a ride to any place around the world in a short amount of time. He  also jokes about the people who get angry because the seats won't go any more back. He believes that people should be much more excited about riding in planes. In the end, Louis' main message was to be thankful for everything you have and to not complain about simple little things in life.

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